Pemetaan Digital Literacy Competencies Guru Madrasah Aliyah di Bandar Lampung Pada Era Digital Native Generation
Students today are a digital native generation, which since birth have been surrounded and familiar with the development of ICT. So that this generation has different characters including learning styles. To be able to keep up with and follow the learning styles of students, a teacher is required to have skills in literacy, especially digital literacy. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach and data collection using questionnaires, interviews, literature study, and triangulation. Furthermore, the determination of the sample using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed using a quantitative descriptive approach and deepened with qualitative analysis. The results of the research show that the digital literacy competencies of MA teachers in Bandar Lampung are seen from the categories, (1). Internet searching "most" of the teachers already have a fairly good competence. (2). Hypertext Navigation, only "half of it" are competent (3). Content evaluation, there are not half or only "almost half" who already have competence (4). In the knowledge assembly category, "in general" the teachers already have competence. The conclusion is that attention and efforts are still needed to improve the digital literacy competence of MA teachers in Bandar Lampung, especially in the hypertext navigation and content evaluation categories.
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